

2020-12-14 来源:众凯MBA考研培训





①anonymity is also behind the explosion of cyber-crime...Can privacy be preserved while bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasinglylawless ?(-less是否定后缀,表示没有什么什么的,此处表示没有法律的、无法无天的,与上文的crime对应)

②Such visions are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.(downsides是合成词,down表示负面方向,sides是方面,因此该词的意思是不利方面。)


属性 特征 含义 举例
词根 flect, flex 弹性 reflect/flexible 反映、回想/柔软的、灵活的
part 部分 party/participate 派对、党派/参加
pict depict/picture 描述/图片
scribe describe/subscribe 描述/订阅
sequent 顺序 subsequent/consequence 随之而来的/结果
graph 图画 photograph/telegraph 照片/电报
pose 摆放 expose/compose/impose 暴露、使接触/组成/施加
struct 结构 construct/infrastructure 建造/基础设施
rupt 断裂 disrupt/interrupt/bankrupt/erupt 破坏/中断/破产/喷发

属性 特征 含义 举例
后缀 -ee 人的职业(被动) employee/trainee 雇员/培训生
-er/or/ist 人的职业(主动) employer//instructor/specialist 雇主/导师/专家
-ment/ion/ness/ance 名词 encouragement/adaptation/ willingness/importance 鼓励/适应/意愿/重要性
-ous/al/ble/ful 形容词 anxious/critical/ responsible/grateful 焦虑的/批判的/ 负责的/感恩的
-ly 副词 fortunately/undoubtedly 幸运地/毋庸置疑地

属性 特征 含义 举例
前缀 pre- 之前 preview/precondition 预习/先决条件
post- 之后 post-postwar/postgraduate 战后/研究生
im/in- 向内 import/invasion 进口/侵略
out- 向外 outside/outbreak 外部的/爆发
super- supermarket/superficial 超市/肤浅的
re- 再次 review/reunion 回顾/重聚



Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, as well as a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms.

Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help__C  foster a child’s moral development.

(即使句中有许多生词,仅根据句中的逻辑联系词unlike、such as、and、as well as,我们可以得出:sadness、fear和anger同类都属于emotion,a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms和前文的later一致,即可整理出句子的结构:不像......guilt later,child’s moral norms也是)

逻辑关系 连接词
对立 but / however / yet / nevertheless / nonetheless(然而,但是); Although / Though / while / despite / in spite of / even though / even if(尽管); instead / rather than / while / whereas / unlike / on the contrary / by contrast / 比较句(than)前后
并列 and / also / similarly / likewise / meanwhile / as well as / either…or.../ neither…nor…
因果   because / for / as / since / duo to / owing to / in that / now that / as a result of(因为); so / thus / therefore / hence / as a result / lead to(所以)
举例 for example / for instance / such as
递进 not only...but(also)..., what's more, moreover, furthermore, more importantly, what's worse, worse still, besides, in addition 比较级
总结   Overall, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, in conclusion, on the whole, in a word, in short, briefly, all in all



“I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling. I had no money and needed the job. ”


① 如果不认识anxiety,可先放,根据后文提到的“我没有钱,我需要工作”,表明这是一个负向词,那么可以尽量翻成“难过/不安/焦虑/有压力”等。

② 如果不认识stare 和 ceiling,可根据介词at表明在某物上、对着某物。根据前文,“我在半夜醒来”,可推断,只能对着天花板看。



Weighing every other week allows me to observe and _____ any significant weight changes. A approve of    B hold onto    C account for     D depend on

(该题属于完型中的短语考察,即使不知道选项短语的意思,根据介词也可推出:of表示从属、.....的,onto表示在......上,for引导因果,on表示....之上。and表示前后并列,and前说明weighing 让我去observe,后文也一定表示weighing的作用,所以解释changes改变的原因,选C。)



He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well.


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